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site statistics Hyper Visual Multi Cellular Facility: 2006



Research Division of Experimental Vision
Owned in accordance by
Edge of the World Productions uSA

(as in answer to the question 'What is your agenda?')

  • Knowing that genres of video and literature are greatly influenced by the experimentation of creative artists, the Hyper-Visual/Multicellular Facility is founded to foster a community of artists who are under empowered by Pop & Mass Media commercial channels of communication.

  • In establishing a dialogue driven community the experimental artist will find room to develop unique perspectives, hence, the genre will grow organically while affecting positive changes in the media.

  • Creativity is an inalienable possession of the artist. Whether we believe as a people that things DO actually grow on trees, or not, fact remains... someone has to be born into their lifes' work. With this in mind the Hyper-Visual/Multicellular Facility will support the drive of the artist denied through socio-economic/academ-status/consumerati-techno elitism or any other static device designed with the singular agenda of strangulating the liberated flow of intellect.

Please feel free to question any of these policies you feel too stringent. Our staff of free thinking individuals will take all communicative efforts into consideration.

emergency media phone - 415.659.8349



Call for Submissions - experimental video < edgeworld > 10/14 11:27:03

A new venue dedicated to experimental genre video will be opening soon. Do you, or someone you know, have edgey work too 'different' for most festivals? Great! You are the people we are looking for.

We are in opening stages of developing a community of 'edgey' experimentalists in San Francisco. This will be a forum for dialogue between makers located in an atmosphere of art.

If you are interested in getting in on the ground floor of a cinemorgraphic event and community please respond to this advertisment with your current contact info.

*{ALL makers must have @ least one (1) video digitally formatted for DVD}
I Flock